Curious about which board is for you? This video below covers four different types of boards and the equipment used. Including paddles, fins and fun extras. These are boards in my fleet, mainly for beginners, yoga and my race board. Let’s take a look a few differences between all them. So many different types and they all do play differently in the water. A few boards not mentioned, wood construction (maybe a pt 2. post), foam boards or plastic molded boards.
Watch for more tips and see the difference between the boards. I do highlight one more board I use frequently and it has a big jump in activity that the surf sup is designed to do. Give it watch! 👇
What is an Inflatable Paddleboard?
Owning a new inflatable or thinking about buying one. Here are few basics around an ISUP.
Curious about inflatable paddle boards? Inflatable boards can be so handy to travel with and carry around. With proper care they can also last for years. Especially if you invest in a quality brand.
Here are few differences between these inflatables; Evolve Lotus Inflatable and Movement Inflatable. Plus informational tips for when you first get your board.
Watch the video below on how to inflate, what surprises you might have when airing up for the first time and what gear comes with the Evolve and Movement inflatable boards.