Yoga for SUP / High Plank

High Push UP - Phalakasana

Yoga is awesome for standup paddleboarding. Builds lots of core and arm strength during your studio practice. Some variations of the pose is the fun part. We could be super challenged and hold with one arm lifted or a little more spicy with one arm and leg lifted.

This week we are working the pose in a few variations. Remember to listen to your body and modify when you need to. Coming down to your knees if you need a break or if you are still building up arm strengthen. After going through a few rounds, doing your combination, give yourself a little wrist therapy. Taking the palms to the sky.

Mountain Climbers

Knee to elbow, from right to left.

Alternating Arm Balance

Arm lift wrist inline with shoulder.


Yoga for SUP - Side Plank / Vasisthasana


What is an Inflatable Paddleboard?